Thursday, May 7, 2009

What is poetry?

Me: Poetry is emitting one's current thoughts or beliefs in free verse or intended form.

-Poetry is a type of writing which consists of several different devices which wraps it all together as a melodic piece of writing.
-Poetry is when someone writes down what is on their mind and composes it however they wish.
-Poetry is a song without music.
-Poetry is music without notes. Its writing full of passion emotion and depth. It is the embodiment of the soul. You can't write a good poem you aren't passionate about, it requires everything you have.
-A creative take on any subject using creative writing. Sometimes using rhymes other times just flowing smoothly.
-Are words that are written by poets that put in all their emotion into it, hoping to evoke emotion out of the reader.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Citation Practice

"...Children like Beah are being swept into armed conflict, robbed of their childhoods, and used to fight for greed and power" (1).
Up Front Magazine
The Perfect Weapon by Jeffery Gettleman

In "The Perfect Weapon", from Up Front Magazine, Jeffery Gettleman states, "...Children like Beah are being swept into armed conflict, robbed of their childhoods, and used to fight for greed and power" (1).

"...Children like Beah are being swept into armed conflict, robbed of their childhoods, and used to fight for greed and power" (Gettleman 1).

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Paraphrase vs. Direct Quote

"The war in Darfur has led to what the U.N. has called the 'worlds's worst humanitarian crisis'. Over the past ear, the conflict has spread into Chad, and hundreds of thousands of Chadians have become refugees in their own country."
from an article by Polgreen found on page 19.

Paraphrase: The U.N. now believes that the war in Darfur has expanded to become one of the most horrific humanitarian crisis' in our world today. Within a year, this crisis has infected the people of Chad and has resulted in hundreds of thousands Chadian refugees (Polgreen 19).

Direct Quote: "The war in Darfur has led to what the U.N. has called the 'worlds's worst humanitarian crisis'. Over the past ear, the conflict has spread into Chad, and hundreds of thousands of Chadians have become refugees in their own country" (Polgreen 19).

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Julius Caesar Quotation Sandwiches.

Act I:
Cassius is persuasive and wants Brutus to unfairly join his cause to kill Caesar. His intentions for his country are good but the way he plans to fulfill them are not. Cassius tries to help Brutus by saying, "And since you know you cannot see yourself So well as by reflection, I, your glass, Will modestly discover to yourself That of yourself which you yet know not of"(33 lines 67-70). Cassius is cleverly setting up Brutus to think he will help him and tell him the truth when honestly he will only tell him what he needs to hear, or so what Cassius thinks he needs to hear.

Act II:
I would tell Brutus to rethink his actions a few more times and consider how close of friends he is with Caesar. He even said himself, "I have not known when his affections swayed More than his reason"(50 lines 20-21). He, himself, even said that Caesar has made good political decisions before and has not let his emotions or personal feelings get in the way of this. That is most definitely reason enough to rethink joining the conspiracy and killing one of his best friends.

Act III:
Antony appealed to the crowds emotions and was logically, but surely did not give satisfying reasons as to why the conspirators were wrong to have killed Caesar. He asks the people, "He hath brought many captives home to Rome, Whose ransoms did the general coffers to fill. Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept; Ambition should be made of sterner stuff. Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honorable man". By saying this to the crowd he is telling them that Caesar was gracious and helped out the citizens of Rome and builds up how fabulous Caesar was. However, he then contradicts himself in the same breathe for effect saying that, even though he did do this, Brutus is an honorable man and he should be trusted for killing just as much of an honorable man. This is how Antony appealed to the emotions of the crowd and got them on his side.

Act IV/V:
By harming your friends, you are ultimately harming yourself. The honorable Brutus was known to be good friends with the soon to be emperor, the beloved Caesar. However, Brutus was persuaded into joining a conspiracy that planned on killing Caesar before he got too much power and used it only to advance himself and not to help his country. Brutus does recognize what a terrible thing he has done as he utters his last breath, "Farewell good Strato. Caesar, now be still. I killed not thee with half so good a will". Brutus killed one of his best friends, and in realizing what he had done and what had happened to his other friend Cassius, he took his own life.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Heroic Movie Project

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Heroes of Yesterday/Today

1. What is a hero to you? Provide definition. [me]:
I think a hero is one who I can look up to and say I'm proud of them. A hero is someone who sacrifices what they need for others, and they know its going to hurt them but they do it anyway. Someone who loves to see another person smile or be safe or be happy, even if they are put in danger, saddened or in a hardship. A hero is a person who knows that what they might do could set them back, but they dont care because it sets another forwards.

- one you can look up to
- one who goes out of their way to help someone else
- does things that we the observer can't
- one who does good things despite the risks because they are fundamentally good
- completely self arbitrary title granted to an individual or a group of people based on the decisions and or qualities that the particular person or people possess
- one by their own freewill gives something of their own to help another in need and has nothing in return
- one who has inspiried me
- one who will help another because they need help and not to glorify themselves

2. Qualities of a hero [me]:
- Brave
- Heart
- Confidence
- Love
- Forgiveness
- Compassion

- selfless
- humble
- quick thinking
- compassionate
- does right thing
- brave
- charismatic
- realistic
- forgiving
- honorable
- never brags or puts others down
- courageous
- hardworking
- "that's awesome"
- observant
- just
- merciful
- kind
- strong-willed
- illustrious
- humorous
- patient
- possesses flaws
- empathetic

3. What would be considered a great heroic act today? [me]:
- Firefighter/policeman at 9/11
- fire fighters in general
- policemen in general
- those in a war [army, navy, marines]

- inspires
- takes actions against an injustice
- leads the people into better living conditions
- protect freedom and values
- winning a sporting event
- protesting monks in Tibet
- fighting for beliefs
- doesn't ask for a reward
- saving anothers life

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

China's One-Child Policy - Becky Bigelow (Editor)

Becky Bigelow
Ms. Stein
“Editor” paper
27 January 2009

The One-Child Policy in China

More than seven million abortions took place in China in 2006. This massive number is because of the One-Child Policy instated in China. Our group believes that this law does not allow the Chinese people to decide how many children they want to have, and that is against their rights as human beings. The One-Child Policy in China is flawed, evil, and goes against the human freedoms that people are born with.

Our group feels that the One-Child Policy has caused many problems within the Chinese population. Many only children feel added amounts of pressure because they are the only person their parents' attention is focused on. It is also possible that, because the child does not have siblings, they are given gifts and other unnecessary items (such as toys, games, etc.) by their parents, which can lead to bratty behavior and an “I'm better than you” outlook on life.

There are many stipulations to the One-Child Policy that makes it seem better than it is. For example, if a couple lives in a rural area with a low population, they may have more than one child. If their first child was a girl, mentally handicapped, or has passed away, a Chinese couple may have another child. These stipulations make the situation a little better, but there are circumstances that make people want to only have one child. For example, every industry in China has a family-planning agent that monitors the number of children all of the workers have. If the entire group only has one child, they all get a bonus of some sort. Instead of letting people decide on their own how many children they want to have, the Chinese government gives them ultimatums to help them decide.

It has been declared that everyone has the right to life. If this is true, then the Chinese birth rate would not be at one child per couple. The average amount of children in a Chinese home before the One-Child Policy was instated was eight, and now it is at one. Also, the number of abortions in China has risen drastically since the policy began. This means that more Chinese women are getting abortions so they are not fined or have their child taken away from them after they are born. The aborting of an unborn child should not occur as often as it does in China.

My group believes that aborting unborn children is wrong, especially in large numbers. The vast amount of abortions that takes place in China upsets each one of us. There should be a better way of family planning, but instead, the Chinese resort to aborting children. Abortion should not be the only option to pregnant Chinese women. The Chinese people need to be educated on forms of birth control, to prevent a child from being conceived and having to abort.

China's One-Child Policy - Kathryn Sowinski (Activist)

Dear Mr. President,

My name is Kathryn Sowinski, and I'm writing you regarding China's one child policy. I am a high school student from the United States, and In response to a book we read in our literature class, we were asked to address an injustice in the world today. I, specifically, was asked to write a letter to an official regarding this policy, more specifically regarding such issues as forced abortion and feminism. One of those unborn children may grow up to solve the great dilemmas of our day. That child may be the human race's chance at redemption The world is full of problems, and overpopulation is one of them, but there's a point when work “For the greater good” transforms into inhumanity, and this policy brings us dangerously close to said line. Many of those who have seen aborted babies understand. They look into the innocent, dead child's face and thought, “That could have been me.” It could have been any one of us. If our mothers hadn't wanted us, or if a certain rule prohibited our birth, we would not exist right now. Then there are the mothers who throw their babies away to die in a garbage can. Those poor, innocent children that die because they aren't allowed to live. Abortion and abandonment are cruel and inhumane. Children chopped up and pulled apart by doctors, then reassembled to make sure they have all the parts. Babies burned by salt until they die. Mr. President, the madness must be stopped.
Feminism is an issue in China. Parents who want a son will kill any daughter they have until they get a boy. Did you know 99 out of every 100 abortions in China are girls? China is in trouble, and the way to stop this is to end the one child policy. There is an answer to overpopulation, and this is not it. Give the next generation a chance.

Kathryn Sowinski

China's One-Child Policy

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Child Called It Presentation