Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Quotation Sandwich - 1

1. Claim: In this initial pages of htis short story, Tom Benecke's avarcious nature drives him to follow the yellow sheet of paper on the ledge of his apartment.

Quote: "They were the way to change from a name on the payroll to a name in the minds of the company officials. They were the beginning of the long, long clumb to where he was determined to be, at the very top. And he knew he was going out there in the darkness, after the yellow sheet fifteen geet beyond his reach." p. 9

Commentary: Tom's impulse to go retrieve this yellow paper is driven by his want to be promoted and rise his way to the top of the company he works at. By this paper eating up 2 months of his time it shows that hes doesn't care how long and time consuming it may take all he wants in the end is to be known and to have the money to prove it.

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