Monday, December 1, 2008

Night - Chapter 3 --> Writing Prompt

1. Paint a picture of the concentration camp using the images that have been described to you through the eyes of Elie. In other words, describe the concentration camp using specific examples.

Concentration Camps:

-the concentration camp has a smell of death that encompasses the whole place, and you are overwhelmed by its presence when you first arrive.
-Dr Mengele = in charge of the selection process
-sky hazy with smoke
-flames = crematoriums
-transformation in the prison garb
-gray and dark
-peoples faces turning into ash
-babies thrown into the flame
-nocturnal silence


-shave their heads
-all expected to wear prison garb
-made to stand in the mud
-tattooed numbers = lost name
-removed objects from people
-people were treated as objects = only of use for work
-detached from family
-make prisoners run = to be overocome by fatigue and cause loss of thought and sense of care
-had to deal with death themselves

Stein of Antwerp:

-Family member
-wanted to know if his family was okay [wife and children]
-elie lies saying that they are okay
-stein eventually dies because of loss of hope [finds out truth of death of family]

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