Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Night - Chapter 2--> Mrs. Schakner

Why is she so significant that she recieves a whole chapter to herself in this book? What is her role? What might the fire symbolize?

Mrs. Schaker is displaying to the people what they are all in for. She is showing them what they could turn to be and what their death could possibly be, fire. She could most likely be envisioning the rest of her family dying in the fire. She could be thinking that shes seeing fire because that what she truly wants to see. She wants to be warm and feel her husband and children by her side once more. It also foreshadows some of the other Jews death by the fire. She could be symbolizing the fear and the Jews will be facing in a short while, but noen of them realize it yet. The way the other Jews deal with her next to her is exactly how the Germans react towards the Jews.

Class List of Fire Symbolism

-upcoming danger
-burning of loss of faith
-unpredictable/fear of unknown
-fires of the crematoriums = death

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